Jonathan Bennett

You need a business project management tool

Your software team is likely already using something for project management. It might be complicated and robust like Jira, or simple and straightforward like a file in your project.

Many businesses don’t have a business level project management tool thought.

A business project management tool is typically much less complicated than a general tool. When I work with clients, we are typically tracking 3–7 features at a time at a high level. This means we can get away with using almost any tool. I think viewing a column oriented list (kanban board) of Done, Review, Active, Pending, and Up Next lets you easily see what is active.

Items on the list should be detailed at business level, ie decrease churn by 3%, not the technical level, ie darken shade of buttons by 5%. Additionally, the should be written to describe the desired business benefit that will result.

By keeping the business leadership appropriately focused on the right things, the business can grow in the direction you intend.