Jonathan Bennett

Team Types: Why One Size Doesn't Fit All

We’ve talked about the three types of development teams: black ops, soldiers, and engineers.

In the real world, how these groups tackle problems looks very different. Imagine a black ops team running a zip line to get across a chasm, while soldiers would throw together a sturdy bridge, and an engineering team would take their time and build a bridge that lasts for decades.

But try switching their approaches, and you’d have a disaster. The zip line wouldn’t hold up for long-term use, and a full-blown engineering solution would be overkill if you needed to move fast.

This applies to development teams too. Black ops dev teams are all about quick experiments and fast iteration. If they spent six months researching, they’d lose their advantage. But on the other hand, an engineering team’s thoughtful, precise approach is crucial when you need stability and longevity—especially when your product needs documentation, training, and proper customer rollout.

The key is choosing the right type of team for the job. Get that right, and you’ll see the impact on your project’s success—and your business.