Jonathan Bennett

Why Most Projects Fail (and How to Avoid It)

Why do most projects fail? More often than not, it’s due to a common reason: the lack of a clear objective.

  • Increase revenue: How much? By when? Do we need to maintain margins?
  • Decrease cancellations: Are we ok with keeping more customers but increasing the number on lower tier plans? Are we ok with increasing our spend on the customer success team?
  • Build new feature 𝒳: Why? For whom? What problem should this solve? What are the constraints?

When a project is completely open ended, it tends to grow without constraint. When this happens, the project never stops growing, and is never completed.

Tomorrow we’ll look at some of the keys types of objectives, and how adding them to your project plan can greatly increase your odds of success.

Tomorrow, we’ll dive into the key types of objectives and how defining them upfront can transform your project from an uncertain endeavour to a guaranteed success.