Jonathan Bennett

Technical Cofounder Call

Talking with Jonathan helped me clarify the real value of my product idea, tripling it’s worth just by discussing the details and helping me keep all of them in mind at once.

Not Sure What to Do Next With Your Startup?

Your startup is struggling. You need to get answers to technical questions but you aren’t ready to lose the equity it would take to get a technical founder. Even if you were, how to you find and evaluate them?

You’ve asked in the Slack groups and on Reddit but you simply do not have the clarity needed to make such a profound decision today.

Imaging Knowing Exactly What to do Next

Imagine this – You know the immediate next technical steps you need to take. Imaging having an firm enough understanding of technology so that you can discuss it in business terms without being afraid of the technical jargon. Imagine having the confidence to technical people just as comfortably as business people.

Speak with a Seasoned Business Friendly Technical Consultant

Moving forward with your startup doesn’t always require you to get a permanent technical cofounder today. You just need a little technical advice. Taking your first steps will help you build momentum, letting you prove your idea and drive more interest. Book a 1-on-1 call with me now to take those steps. Why me?

  • I’ve been working with small businesses and startups for nearly a decade
  • I’ve helped internal teams build custom software to solve business problems
  • I’ve helped recover troubled SaaS startups, getting them back on track, and direct their product planning

Here’s How it Works

You book a coaching call with me using a private scheduling link. The event is set for 60 minutes but you might want to block out extra time in case we go a little long. Our call will take place over Google Meet. You share you biggest technical questions and concerns with me. I will give you specific instructions about what I recommend you do next.

Typical areas of concern are:

  • What technology stack should I use?
  • What technical challenges do you foresee?
  • Is this feasible?
  • What type of technical founder do I need?
  • How can I get this developed?
  • How do I get initial customers?

I will give you no-nonsense advice that you can put into action immediately. These are not generic “hand wavy” principals; this is practical “do this next” instruction gained from working with real businesses, just like yours.

You are welcome to request I record the call for your own future reference, just ask when we meet. Once you submit your payment, you’ll receive the link to schedule a 60 minute appointment in my calendar

Book Your Call Now

100% Money back Guarantee!

I’m so sure I can provide at least one piece of high-value advice that I offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If at the end of our call you fell you have not gotten your money’s worth, just let me know and I’ll refund your payment in full

Still Have Questions?

What happens after I pay?
Once you submit your payment, you’ll receive a link to schedule an appointment in my calendar

Are there other costs besides the call?
Nope. My advice might have costs associated with it, but that’s entirely up to you to take them or not.

I’m nervous about sharing my business ideas…
I understand that. Our conversation will be strickly private. I only record the conversation for your usage and at your request. Additionally, I’ve been doing this for a decade and if I had loose lips, I wouldn’t be in business.

Will you sign an NDA before we speak?
No. For an engagement this small it doesn’t make sense to get lawyers involved.

My startup is brand new, can I get a discount?
No, but my [articles] are an ever increasing source of free advice you might find useful.

I still have questions!
No problem. Please shoot me an email and I will answer them!

This is Your Last Chance

Well I’ve run out of space on this page. Here is your last button…

Book Your Call Now